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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 117

Adair County Coal Mine Records

Identifier: MS A8
Scope and Content Note

This collection contains sales slips, paychecks, and worker time cards and other documents including some land leases from Adair County coal mines and companies including Baiotto Coal Company, Inc., Billy Creek Coal Mine, Blacksmith Coal Corporation, Corrigan Coal Company, Kansas City Midland Coal & Mining Company, Orek Coal Company, Rose Hill Coal Mine and Simler Bluff Coal Mine, as well as the Adair County Coal Operators Association.

Dates: 1930-1947, 1954-1956

Adair County Historical Collection

Identifier: MS A5
Scope and Contents

Focused on Adair County, Missouri, including Kirksville and surrounding areas, this collection encompasses a wide variety of materials from businesses, churches, and organizations. It includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, maps, and more.

Dates: 1832-1998

Adair County Infirmary Records

Identifier: MS A2
Scope and Contents Infirmary records from the Adair County Infirmary including transcripts and photocopies of the County Home Record Residents Roster, 1881-1934; two Adair County Infirmary Patient Registers, 1881-1942; and a partial Adair County Infirmary Grave Register, 1920s. County Home Record, 1881-1934: a ledger listing residents, date admitted, place of birth, parents; names and place of birth, marital...
Dates: 1881-1942

Adair County Public School District Documents

Identifier: MS A1
Scope and Contents

Ledgers of sub-districts of the Adair County School District for 1866-1881, as well as a compilation of district attendance statistics for 1880-1976 (incomplete).

Dates: 1866-1976

Adair County Women's Committee National Council of Defense Volunteer Registrations

Identifier: MUSDP W1
Scope and Contents More than 325 registration cards from women volunteering for the Adair County (Missouri) Women's National Council of Defense. These registration forms of Adair County women "who desire to help win the war" provided the Council of Defense with a roster of those willing to help in the war effort if a need arose. Data on the registration card includes: name; address, telephone, age, marital status, race, dependents, country of birth, citizenship status, current occupation and level of education...
Dates: 1917

Agnes Slemons Travel Diary

Identifier: MS S2
Scope and Contents

A travel diary written by Agnes Slemons on a trip to Europe with Nan Wade in 1962, giving daily accounts of activities in a "Travels Abroad" diary provided by Cunard Lines. Subsequent entries note dates and locations of later trips.

Dates: 1962-1966

Albert P. Miller Papers

Identifier: MS M1
Scope and Contents

Albert P. Miller, a merchant from Winchester, Augusta County, Virginia, was in partnership with Newton Andrew Baylor in Kirksville for about one year from mid-1881 to mid-1882. The collection includes miscellaneous personal documents from prior to his move and letters from Naylor urging him to come to Kirksville, as well as some publicity for the dry goods store in Kirksville.

Dates: 1869-1881

Alice Shea Collection

Identifier: MS S11
Scope and Contents

A small collection comprised of a cabinet card with a photograph of Alice Shea and four Shea Family letters, including correspondence from Alice Shea to her siblings D. Emmett, Martha, and Frances.

Dates: 1882-1888

Amelia and Anna Burk Autograph Album

Identifier: MS B2
Scope and Contents

Autograph album with signatures from friends and cousins of Amelia and Anna Burk.

Dates: 1887-1901

Archie L. Musick Diaries

Identifier: MS M11
Scope and Contents Kirksville native and artist Archie Musick's 1925 diary, kept while he was attending Northeast Missouri State Teachers College (now Truman State University) with daily entries from 1925 March 5-1925 September 7. Includes brief details of classes and schoolwork for each day, who he spent his days with, and mentions the weather and state of each day. Class information such as class names and grades are included. He also mentions his frequent travels to Colorado and other places such as...
Dates: 1921; 1925

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Truman State University, Pickler Memorial Library, Special Collections Manuscripts 113
Truman State University Archives, Pickler Memorial Library 4
Kirksville (Mo.) 54
Missouri 21
Adair County (Mo.) 15
Northeast Missouri State Teachers College -- Alumni and alumnae 14
Business and Industry 12
∨ more
Northeast Missouri State Teachers College -- Faculty 12
Education 11
Family and Personal Papers 11
Scrapbooks 11
World War, 1914-1918 11
Adair County (Mo.) -- History 10
Photograph albums 10
Records and Correspondence 9
Civil War, 1861-1865 8
Diaries 8
Educators 8
Military 8
Historic Buildings 7
Performing and Visual Arts 7
Civic Organizations 6
First District Normal School (Kirksville, Mo.) -- Faculty 6
Geneaology 6
Music 6
Social and Fraternal Organizations 6
Churches 5
First District Normal School (Kirksville, Mo.) 5
First District Normal School -- Alumni and alumnae 5
Public schools 5
World War, 1939-1945 5
Europe 4
Photographs 4
Agriculture 3
California 3
Chautauqua 3
College presidents 3
Gold Discoveries 3
Health and Medicine 3
Illinois 3
Land Titles 3
Local History 3
Media 3
Science and Technology 3
Travel and description 3
Wisconsin 3
Coal mining 2
Germany 2
Iowa 2
Kansas 2
Kirksville (Mo.) -- Photographs 2
Legislators 2
Militia and National Guard 2
New Mexico 2
Novinger (Mo.) 2
Osteopathic Medicine 2
Presidents -- United States 2
Recreation and Sports 2
Saint Louis (Mo.) 2
Sullivan County (Mo.) 2
University departments 2
Adair County Infirmary (Mo.) 1
Aircraft industry 1
Autograph albums 1
Bear Creek Cemetery 1
Belle Porter Memorial Presbyterian Church (Sullivan County, Mo.) 1
Blues (Music) 1
Blues musicians 1
Canada 1
Captain Harris House (Kirksville, Mo.) 1
Cemeteries 1
Century magazine 1
Colorado 1
Cosmetology 1
Diversity in Higher Education 1
Emigration and immigration 1
Environment and Conservation 1
Essays 1
Eugenics 1
Eugenics Record Office 1
Flags -- United States 1
Funeral Notices 1
Government and Politics 1
Graphic design (Typography) 1
Greeting cards 1
Horses -- Breeding 1
Ichthyology 1
Imprints (Publications) 1
Involuntary sterilization 1
Ledgers 1
Linn County 1
Llewellyn Cemetery 1
Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.) -- Faculty 1
Loyalty oaths 1
Mexico, Missouri 1
Missouri Militia 1
North Dakota 1
Printing -- History 1
Purdin 1
Radiogram 1
Ralls County (Mo.) 1
Rural Life 1
+ ∧ less
German 8
French 3
Spanish; Castilian 2
Czech 1
Slovak 1
∨ more
Swedish 1
+ ∧ less
Adair County Historical Society (Mo.) 6
Selby, P. O. (Paul Owen), 1890-1982 6
Daughters of the American Revolution, Ann Haynes Chapter (Kirksville, Mo.) 3
Violette, E. M. (Eugene Morrow), 1873-1940 3
Gaber, Ron 2
∨ more
Grand Army of the Republic, Corporal Dix Post Number 22 (Kirksville, Mo.) 2
Grim family 2
Harris, William Torrey, 1835-1909 2
Journal Printing Company (Kirksville, MO) 2
Kiwanis Club of Kirksville (Mo.) 2
Knobbs, Pauline Dingle, 1903-1987 2
Abt, Ludwig, 1882-1967 1
Adair County Infirmary (Mo.) 1
Adair County Public School District (Mo.) 1
Allen, Ross C., 1921-2003 1
Alpha Kappa Alpha 1
Alpha Phi Alpha, Iota Xi Chapter 1
Anton, Karl, 1887-1956 1
Arnold, Samuel Washington, 1879-1961 1
Association of Black Collegians 1
Baiotto, Bill 1
Baylor, Newton Andrew, 1846 -1891 1
Beggs, Berenice, 1887-1978 1
Belle Porter Memorial Presbyterian Church (Sullivan County, Mo.) 1
Bergstrand, Kent 1
Billy Creek Coal Mine 1
Biswell family 1
Biswell, Jonathan Huff, 1830-1903 1
Biswell, Norville B. 1
Biven, Goldie E. Pitney, 1902-1999 1
Black, John D. (John David), 1908-1996 1
Blacksmith Coal Mine 1
Bray, Willis Joseph, 1884-1961 1
Broadbooks, John A. 1
Burk, Amelia 1
Burk, Anna 1
Cain family 1
Caldwell, Dola, 1875-1952 1
Callan, Chinn, -2005 1
Cassity family 1
Cassity, Frank 1
Central Wesleyan College (Warrenton, Mo.) 1
Chandler family 1
Clark, Susie Lee, 1887-1948 1
Coalition of African American Women 1
Cole, Helen Rosemary, 1906-1964 1
Collett family 1
Collett, Hubert Gordon, 1928-2007 1
Collins, Sherod, 1900-1981 1
Connelley, William E. 1
Corrigan Coal Mine 1
Cosby, Byron, 1878-1961 1
Cotton, W. Philip Jr., 1932-2009 1
Crittenden family 1
Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Kirksville Mo.) 1
Darrow, Edwin, 1829-1887 1
Darrow, Joseph, 1775-1856 1
Davis, Darold Keith, 1925-2009 1
Davis, John M., 1835-1927 1
DeWitt family 1
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 1
Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Zeta Chapter 1
Dunbar, Irwin, 1888-1975 1
Eichor, Matt 1
Fine Arts, Division of 1
First United Methodist Church (Kirksville, Mo.) 1
Forest Cemetery Association 1
Forest-Llewellyn Cemetery (Kirksville, Mo.) 1
Frank family 1
Frank, Glenn, 1887-1940 1
Frank, Mary Smith, 1884-1975 1
Gebhart, John Frederick, 1831-1907 1
Greenwood, James M. (James Mickleborough), 1836-1914 1
Grim-Smith Hospital 1
Halliburton, Juliet Owen, 1838-1914 1
Handy Brothers Music Company 1
Handy, W. C. (William Christopher), 1884-1961 1
Hanley, Mark 1
Harris, Thomas C., 1824-1888 1
Harrison, Ella Skipwith, 1915–1987 1
Harvey, Marie Turner, 1869-1952 1
Hatch, Julia M., 1850-1916 1
Hayes, Rutherford B., 1822-1893 1
Hazel Creek Concerned Citizens Committee (Kirksville, Mo.) 1
Hedrick, Clyde Lewis 1
Henry, Clifford Elmore, 1873-1959 1
Highway 63 Transportation Corporation 1
Hoffman, Margaret Lee, 1893-1967 1
Jorgenson, Dale A., 1926-2021 1
K.C. Midland Coal & Mining Company 1
Karel, Leon C. 1
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 1917-1963 1
Kirk family 1
Kirk, John Robert, 1851-1937 1
Kirksville Boy Scouts of America. Central Missouri Council 653 1
Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine (KCOM) 1
Kirksville Retail Merchants' Association (Kirksville, Mo.) 1
Kirksville Rotary Club (Kirksville, MO) 1
Kribs, Effie, 1891-1974 1
Laughlin, Harry H., 1880-1943 1
+ ∧ less