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Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 116

John M. Davis Civil War Military Papers

Identifier: MS D3
Scope and Contents

Personal military and pension records and documents created by John M. Davis as Company Commander, Company H, 63rd Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Bi-monthly muster rolls contain enrollment, discharge, promotions and other status changes for all company members December 1861 through December 1863.

Dates: 1861-1925

John R. Musick Scrapbook

Identifier: MS M4
Scope and Contents

Scrapbook of articles, stories, poems, and letters to the editor which John Roy Musick (1849-1901) wrote under his own name as well as under several pseudonyms. Musick was a Kirksville, Missouri, newspaper publisher (The Tattler, 1875 January-July), attorney and author. His best-known work was the 12-volume Columbian Historical Novels (1892); a 13th volume was published about the time of his death.

Dates: 1849-1901

John S. Rinehart Manuscript

Identifier: MS R5
Scope and Contents Draft manuscript of John S. Rinehart's final work, Lunar Influence on Geophysics and Archaeology:Studies of Long Period Lunar Cycles, which he completed writing shortly before his death in 1999. This book, which has not been published, is described by Rinehart in the Preface: Almost all of my previous published writings have been nonspeculative, scientific expositions based on good hard facts. This book...also contains a great deal of sheer speculation. I visited the Konso region in Ethiopia...
Dates: 1994-2001

Journal Printing Company Ledgers

Identifier: MS J1
Scope and Contents

A set of account ledgers from the Journal Printing Company, Kirksville, Missouri, containing accounts payable and accounts receivable information. These give an overview of the business from 1890 to 1979 through financial transactions and accounts.

Dates: 1890-1979

Julia M. Ellison Travel Journal

Identifier: MS E1
Scope and Contents European travel journal of Kirksville, Missouri, resident Julia M. Ellison, which includes her travel in Germany, Russia, Sweden and Norway. In the summer of 1909, Mrs Ellison made a "spur of the moment" decision to take an extended European trip. This 150 page journal is the diary of a portion of that trip. The first entry, June 16, 1909, was written mid-ocean aboard The President Lincoln of the Hamburg-American Line, and recounts the events leading up to her "unexpected" trip as well as...
Dates: 1909 June 16–1910 February 14

June Selby Scrapbook

Identifier: MS S3
Scope and Contents

Scrapbook created in 1912 during Miss Selby's first year as a college student at Kirksville State Normal School (now Truman State University). June Selby created this album with photos clipped from Normal School publications, to which she added handwritten identification.

Dates: 1912

Karl Anton Papers

Identifier: MS A6
Scope and Contents Dr. Dale Jorgenson’s research documents for the writing of his book The Life of Karl Anton, 1887—1956. The items he collected include a variety of Karl Anton’s performance programs, newspaper articles, letters (including between Anton and Dr. Albert Schweitzer, a famous theologian and musicologist who was a contemporary of Karl Anton), published works, unpublished manuscripts, and transcriptions of sermons and lectures. There are also photocopies of Anton’s books, articles, and school...
Dates: 1906-2002.

Kirk Family Papers

Identifier: MS K3
Scope and Contents

Primarily photographs and diplomas belonging to the children of John R. and Rebecca (Burns) Kirk, which supplements the personal photos and documents of the Kirk Presidential Papers in the University Archives.

Dates: approximately 1882-1957

Kirksville Boy Scouts Scrapbook

Identifier: MS K9
Scope and Contents

This collection contains a scrapbook of the Kirksville Boy Scouts from 1930-1935, which includes clippings of local Boy Scouts news, posters and programs for local Boy Scout events. The cover was created by J.F. Walker.

Dates: 1930-1935

Kirksville Kiwanis Club Records

Identifier: MS K4
Scope and Contents

Documents and publications from the Kirksville [Missouri] Kiwanis Club's founding in 1920 through 2012. It is composed of two collections, an early one compiled and donated by charter member Paul O. Selby and the Club's own accumulation of records.

Dates: 1920-2012

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Truman State University, Pickler Memorial Library, Special Collections Manuscripts 112
Truman State University Archives, Pickler Memorial Library 4
Kirksville (Mo.) 54
Missouri 20
Adair County (Mo.) 14
Northeast Missouri State Teachers College -- Alumni and alumnae 14
Northeast Missouri State Teachers College -- Faculty 12
∨ more
Business and Industry 11
Education 11
Family and Personal Papers 11
Scrapbooks 11
World War, 1914-1918 11
Photograph albums 10
Adair County (Mo.) -- History 9
Records and Correspondence 9
Civil War, 1861-1865 8
Diaries 8
Educators 8
Military 8
Historic Buildings 7
Performing and Visual Arts 7
Civic Organizations 6
First District Normal School (Kirksville, Mo.) -- Faculty 6
Geneaology 6
Music 6
Social and Fraternal Organizations 6
Churches 5
First District Normal School (Kirksville, Mo.) 5
First District Normal School -- Alumni and alumnae 5
Public schools 5
World War, 1939-1945 5
Europe 4
Photographs 4
Agriculture 3
California 3
Chautauqua 3
College presidents 3
Gold Discoveries 3
Health and Medicine 3
Illinois 3
Land Titles 3
Local History 3
Media 3
Science and Technology 3
Travel and description 3
Wisconsin 3
Germany 2
Iowa 2
Kansas 2
Kirksville (Mo.) -- Photographs 2
Legislators 2
Militia and National Guard 2
New Mexico 2
Osteopathic Medicine 2
Presidents -- United States 2
Recreation and Sports 2
Saint Louis (Mo.) 2
Sullivan County (Mo.) 2
University departments 2
Adair County Infirmary (Mo.) 1
Aircraft industry 1
Autograph albums 1
Bear Creek Cemetery 1
Belle Porter Memorial Presbyterian Church (Sullivan County, Mo.) 1
Blues (Music) 1
Blues musicians 1
Canada 1
Captain Harris House (Kirksville, Mo.) 1
Cemeteries 1
Century magazine 1
Coal mining 1
Colorado 1
Cosmetology 1
Diversity in Higher Education 1
Emigration and immigration 1
Environment and Conservation 1
Essays 1
Eugenics 1
Eugenics Record Office 1
Flags -- United States 1
Funeral Notices 1
Government and Politics 1
Graphic design (Typography) 1
Greeting cards 1
Horses -- Breeding 1
Ichthyology 1
Imprints (Publications) 1
Involuntary sterilization 1
Ledgers 1
Linn County 1
Llewellyn Cemetery 1
Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, La.) -- Faculty 1
Loyalty oaths 1
Mexico, Missouri 1
Missouri Militia 1
North Dakota 1
Novinger (Mo.) 1
Printing -- History 1
Purdin 1
Radiogram 1
Ralls County (Mo.) 1
Rural Life 1
+ ∧ less
German 8
French 3
Spanish; Castilian 2
Czech 1
Slovak 1
∨ more
Swedish 1
+ ∧ less
Adair County Historical Society (Mo.) 6
Selby, P. O. (Paul Owen), 1890-1982 6
Daughters of the American Revolution, Ann Haynes Chapter (Kirksville, Mo.) 3
Violette, E. M. (Eugene Morrow), 1873-1940 3
Gaber, Ron 2
∨ more
Grand Army of the Republic, Corporal Dix Post Number 22 (Kirksville, Mo.) 2
Grim family 2
Harris, William Torrey, 1835-1909 2
Journal Printing Company (Kirksville, MO) 2
Kiwanis Club of Kirksville (Mo.) 2
Knobbs, Pauline Dingle, 1903-1987 2
Abt, Ludwig, 1882-1967 1
Adair County Infirmary (Mo.) 1
Adair County Public School District (Mo.) 1
Allen, Ross C., 1921-2003 1
Alpha Kappa Alpha 1
Alpha Phi Alpha, Iota Xi Chapter 1
Anton, Karl, 1887-1956 1
Arnold, Samuel Washington, 1879-1961 1
Association of Black Collegians 1
Baylor, Newton Andrew, 1846 -1891 1
Beggs, Berenice, 1887-1978 1
Belle Porter Memorial Presbyterian Church (Sullivan County, Mo.) 1
Bergstrand, Kent 1
Biswell family 1
Biswell, Jonathan Huff, 1830-1903 1
Biswell, Norville B. 1
Biven, Goldie E. Pitney, 1902-1999 1
Black, John D. (John David), 1908-1996 1
Bray, Willis Joseph, 1884-1961 1
Broadbooks, John A. 1
Burk, Amelia 1
Burk, Anna 1
Cain family 1
Caldwell, Dola, 1875-1952 1
Callan, Chinn, -2005 1
Cassity family 1
Cassity, Frank 1
Central Wesleyan College (Warrenton, Mo.) 1
Chandler family 1
Clark, Susie Lee, 1887-1948 1
Coalition of African American Women 1
Cole, Helen Rosemary, 1906-1964 1
Collett family 1
Collett, Hubert Gordon, 1928-2007 1
Collins, Sherod, 1900-1981 1
Connelley, William E. 1
Cosby, Byron, 1878-1961 1
Cotton, W. Philip Jr., 1932-2009 1
Crittenden family 1
Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Kirksville Mo.) 1
Darrow, Edwin, 1829-1887 1
Darrow, Joseph, 1775-1856 1
Davis, Darold Keith, 1925-2009 1
Davis, John M., 1835-1927 1
DeWitt family 1
Delta Kappa Gamma Society 1
Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Zeta Chapter 1
Dunbar, Irwin, 1888-1975 1
Eichor, Matt 1
Fine Arts, Division of 1
First United Methodist Church (Kirksville, Mo.) 1
Forest Cemetery Association 1
Forest-Llewellyn Cemetery (Kirksville, Mo.) 1
Frank family 1
Frank, Glenn, 1887-1940 1
Frank, Mary Smith, 1884-1975 1
Gebhart, John Frederick, 1831-1907 1
Greenwood, James M. (James Mickleborough), 1836-1914 1
Grim-Smith Hospital 1
Halliburton, Juliet Owen, 1838-1914 1
Handy Brothers Music Company 1
Handy, W. C. (William Christopher), 1884-1961 1
Hanley, Mark 1
Harris, Thomas C., 1824-1888 1
Harrison, Ella Skipwith, 1915–1987 1
Harvey, Marie Turner, 1869-1952 1
Hatch, Julia M., 1850-1916 1
Hayes, Rutherford B., 1822-1893 1
Hazel Creek Concerned Citizens Committee (Kirksville, Mo.) 1
Hedrick, Clyde Lewis 1
Henry, Clifford Elmore, 1873-1959 1
Highway 63 Transportation Corporation 1
Hoffman, Margaret Lee, 1893-1967 1
Jorgenson, Dale A., 1926-2021 1
Karel, Leon C. 1
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 1917-1963 1
Kirk family 1
Kirk, John Robert, 1851-1937 1
Kirksville Boy Scouts of America. Central Missouri Council 653 1
Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine (KCOM) 1
Kirksville Retail Merchants' Association (Kirksville, Mo.) 1
Kirksville Rotary Club (Kirksville, MO) 1
Kribs, Effie, 1891-1974 1
Laughlin, Harry H., 1880-1943 1
Laughlin, Viola Elizabeth, 1921-2007 1
Lay family 1
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 1
Linder, Christa Ude, 1939-1981 1
Linder, Harold 1
+ ∧ less