Box 2
Contains 252 Results:
Anton Bibliography of Published Works and Manuscripts in the Collection, “Prof. Dr. Karl Anton (Der Autor)”, no date
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Article: Karl Anton, “Loewe-Festnummer,” [“Loewe Festival Number”], Vom Rhein Newspaper, 1908 April
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Dissertation: Karl Anton, Beiträge zur Biographie Carl Loewe (Contributions to the biography of Carl Loewe), 1912
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Article: Karn Anton, “Sonder-Abdruck aus dem Goethe-Jahrbuch,” [Special Reprint from the Goethe Yearbook], 1913
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Articles: Karl Anton, 1914 August
Article: Karl Anton, Zur Geschichte der Bachbewegung (On the History of the Bach Movement), 1914
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Article: Karl Anton, Allerlei Möglichkeiten Betrachtungen von Hans Thoma (All Sorts of Possible Considerations by Hans Thoma), 1916
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Book: Karl Anton, Martin Luther im Urteil von Zeitgenossen des Weltkrieges (Martin Luther In The Judgment Of Contemporaries Of The World War), 1917–1918
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Article: Karl Anton, Luther und die Musik (Luther and the Music), 1917
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Pamphlet/Article: Karl Anton, Blätter zur Pflege überparteilich religiösen Lebens (Leaflets for the Cultivation of Non-Partisan Religious Life), 1917
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.