Articles: Karl Anton, 1914 August
Scope and Contents
Articles: Karl Anton, “Soll die Gemeinde am Schluβ- und Zwischenchoral der Bachkantaten singend teilnehmen?” (“Should the congregation take part in singing the final and intermediate chorale of the Bach cantatas?”) and “Das 3. Leipziger Bachfest” (“The Third Leipziger Bach Festival”), (inside front cover: advertisement Clipping, “if a child’s laugh does not please you, you are already in hell!”), Monatsschrift für Gottesdienst und Kirchliche Kunst (Monthly Journal for Worship and Church Art)
- Creation: 1914 August
- From the Collection: Jorgenson, Dale A., 1926-2021 (Person)
From the Collection: 1.4 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
Repository Details
Part of the Truman State University, Pickler Memorial Library, Special Collections Manuscripts Repository