Box 2
Contains 252 Results:
Article: Karl Anton, “Zur Bildbeigabe” (“To Add to the Picture”), Die Evangelische Kirchenmusik in Baden (The Evangelical/Protestant Church Music in Baden) newspaper, 1927 October 1
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Article: Karl Anton, Wissen und Wirken (Knowledge and Action), 1929
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Article: Karl Anton, “Zur Aufführung von Händels ‘Joseph’ in Heidelberg” (“For the performance of Handel's 'Joseph' in Heidelberg”), Monatsschrift für Gottesdienst und Kirchliche Kunst (Monthly Journal For Worship And Church Art), 1929 January
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Article: Karl Anton, “Zur Aufführung von Händels “Joseph” in Heidelberg), Monatsschrift für Gottesdienst und Kirchliche Kunst (Monthly Journal For Worship And Church Art), 1929 January
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Article: Karl Anton, Gesang und Gesundheit [Singing and Health], 1929
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Article: Karl Anton, Kirchenmusikalische Erneuerung [Church Music Renewal], 1933
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Book: Karl Anton, Georg Friedrich Händel “Die Schicksalsfuge,” zweistimmigte fuge [Georg Friedrich Handel “The Fugue of Fate”, Two-part Fugue], red cover, 1940
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Small slips of paper with red tag on front “Georg Friedrich Händel Schicksalsfüge, 1940
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Inhaltsangabe (Synopsis), 1940
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Copy of Die Schicksalsfuge, dated in handwriting, 1940 February 13
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.