Box 2
Contains 252 Results:
Book: Karl Anton, Hans Thoma, der Maler, 1919
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Article: Karl Anton, “Karl Loewes religiös-volkstümliches Kunstwerk” (“Karl Loewe's Religious-Folk Artwork”), Monatsschrift für Glttesdienst und Kirchliche Kunst (Monthly Journal for Worship and Church Art), 1919
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Sonderabdruck aus der Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft (Special Reprint From The Journal For Musicology), with article from Anton “Karl Loewes Bedeutung für unsere Zeit und deren Ziele” (Karl Loewe's importance for our time and its goals), 1919
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Sonderabdruck aus der Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft (Special Reprint From The Journal For Musicology), with article from Anton “Karl Loewes Bedeutung für unsere Zeit und deren Ziele”, 1919
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Book: Dr. Karl Anton and Dr. Karl Arper, Aus tiefer Rot [From Deep Red], 1919
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Article: Karl Anton, “Die Mission der Musik in der Gegenwart” (“The Mission of Music in the Present”), Deutscher Pfeiler, 1921
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Article: [Reprint] Karl Anton, Hans Thoma und die Musik (Hans Thoma and the Musik), 1924
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Article: Karl Anton, Über die form des Kultus (About the Form of the Cult), 1925
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Article: Karl Anton, “Modernes Volkslied” [“Modern Folk Song”], Sie Singgemeinde [You Singing Community], 1926 June–July
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.
Article: Karl Anton, “Beethoven und Wir, eine Zeitgemäche Betrachtung zum 100. Todestag des Meisters” (“Beethoven and We, a Contemporary Reflection On The 100th Anniversary Of The Master's Death”), 1927 March 26
Works that Karl Anton published, including books, newspaper articles, and dissertations.