Box 2
Contains 252 Results:
Handwritten letter from Jorgenson to Archivist at the Landeskirchlichen Archiv in Karlsruhe, Germany, no date
Files and documents that Dr. Dale A. Jorgenson collected and created throughout his research process of writing for his book, The Life of Karl Anton, 1887-1956 (2001).
Letter to Jorgenson from James D. Simmons, Southern Illinois University Press, 1995 December 1
Files and documents that Dr. Dale A. Jorgenson collected and created throughout his research process of writing for his book, The Life of Karl Anton, 1887-1956 (2001).
Letter to C. Roppel (Hans Thoma Verlag, Evangelische Presseverband für Baden), Karlsruhe, Germany, from Jorgenson, 1997 August 29
Files and documents that Dr. Dale A. Jorgenson collected and created throughout his research process of writing for his book, The Life of Karl Anton, 1887-1956 (2001).
Letter from Rebecca Lentz Collier, National Archives at College Park, MD, 1995 October 10
To Jorgenson; about Dr. Karl Anton war crimes case files.
Letter from Stadtarchiv, Mannheim, to Jorgenson (and photocopies sent along), 1996 January 31
Files and documents that Dr. Dale A. Jorgenson collected and created throughout his research process of writing for his book, The Life of Karl Anton, 1887-1956 (2001).
Brown envelope (included: Letter to Jorgenson from Rudi-Stephan-Gymnasium), 1995 November 23
Files and documents that Dr. Dale A. Jorgenson collected and created throughout his research process of writing for his book, The Life of Karl Anton, 1887-1956 (2001).
Letter to the church archivist at Dreifaltigkeitskirche, Worms from Jorgenson, 1996 September 13
Files and documents that Dr. Dale A. Jorgenson collected and created throughout his research process of writing for his book, The Life of Karl Anton, 1887-1956 (2001).
Envelope to Jorgenson from United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington DC, 1996 April 24
Included: Letter to Jorgenson from Aaron T. Kornblum, Reference Archivist, United States Holocaust Research Institute, April 16, 1996
Library catalog hits from search query “Mannheim”, US Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives Holding Catalog, no date
Files and documents that Dr. Dale A. Jorgenson collected and created throughout his research process of writing for his book, The Life of Karl Anton, 1887-1956 (2001).
Search query results, no date
Files and documents that Dr. Dale A. Jorgenson collected and created throughout his research process of writing for his book, The Life of Karl Anton, 1887-1956 (2001).